The modern man tends to have less and less space and more necessities ending up being dependant to certain companies. Food and air are the main life sources for a human. For now, we don’t need huge companies for air, but for food we do. The global need for food is so high that only giant companies can make do and deliver the necessary food supply for big cities. Fortunately, some of us feel the need to eat something naturally bread even bread by us, without any chemicals or other products used by the giants of the industry in order to increase the growth. Everyone knows that a plant that doesn’t grow naturally is something that is not very healthy, which is why some people feel the need to grow what they eat.
This small urban farm can help you grow a big part of your food in a relatively small space. Birds are bread according to the Free Range model, which allows them to move, thus resulting in a stress free bird which automatically means it is healthier in comparison to those form the supermarket, which are bread in 2 square cm boxes. Also, their eggs will be more healthy and tasty. As you can see in the photos of the project, near the bird cage you can add a couple of plants that can grow naturally the way you want them to, without being sprayed with different growth substances.
Building an urban farm is pretty simple and cheap, you need a few pieces of wood which you can hammer together and a bit of wire for the exterior. You would also need an exterior door where you can have access to the birds and their eggs. You can make the door out of PVC on demand or you can do it yourself if you have enough time.
Eating healthy depends only on us!
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