In the remote Alaska there is a unique city in the world, where the entire population lives in the same block. Whittier town has less than 200 souls, sharing the same roof, living together in a block of 14 floors, built in the 60s.
The building, called Tower Begich is not only home for the citizens of Whittier town, the block houses including the local police department, a school, a playground for children, two “neighborhood” shops, a laundry and a post office. In the basement there is a small chapel where are performed religious services and a dispensary.
The residents say they have everything they need to survive in the building, they feel like in a mall. They go out only when they have to go to other destinations, because winters are extremely hard. The only access road to the outside world is through a tunnel of 3 km, closed most days of the cold season.
Here winds often exceed 100 km / h, the blizzard blocking access to the outside world. For this reason, many residents say they have not been out of the “house” for several years, preferring to stay safe in the Tower Begich.
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