The bedroom is our little corner of peace, quiet and relaxation, a place where books and magazines and soft comfortable sheets find their way perfectly around the bed to comfort us and grant us pleasant sleep. Or so it should be! Many people avoid to acknowledge that arranging the bedroom is a form of art and the furniture that goes in the bedroom should have a functional role. According to a few principles take from the art of feng shui state that you have to place certain objects in a particular order if you want to have a good element balance in the room to make it more comfortable for sleep and relaxation.
Truth is, most bedrooms don’t have good feng shui because most of the homes where not design to fit these rules and in many cases the bedroom you have hasn’t been decorated by you of after you choice. However there are a few tips which you can follow to create the best sleeping environment working with what you already have. So no matter if you live in a rented flat or at your parents’ house these little hacks will help you turn your bedroom into an oasis of relaxation.
First tip: do not let the mirror reflect your bed. If you have a big mirror in the room right in front of your bed that means it is a feng shui red flag. It is one of the basic rules of this art that the bed should not be reflected in the mirror thus you can place the mirror inside a closet or behind a piece of furniture.
Don’t place the bed in line with the door. In this case you should have your bed placed somewhere else but in line with the bedroom door or the balcony door so you won’t let the good energy slip out.
Another red flag for feng shui is the fan or the chandeliers above the bed. Even if you take into account the safety precautions it is advised you don’t have anything hanging above your head while you sleep. Another healthy tip is to neutralize all the sharp edges pointed at you around your bed to avoid the sharp energy or the sha chi.
Besides a good headboard you want to have a wall next to your bed so pay attention not to place your bed under the window. Also you should avoid having your bed placed under a sloped ceiling. The shape of the ceiling will make you feel heavily constricted and sleep under constant pressure making you feel uncomfortable all the time.
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